Research Interest

Below are our main area of research interest

Research Figure


Our lab recent news!

  • [Dec-19-2024] Our collaborative paper entitled "Decision making based ensemble feature selection approach through a new score function in q-rung orthopair hesitant fuzzy environment" has been accepted in the Mathematics and Computers in Simulation journal. (JCR: 4 [TOP 1.20%]; IF: 4.4)

  • [Nov-19-2024] Our paper entitled "Leveraging deep transfer learning and explainable AI for accurate COVID-19 diagnosis: Insights from a multi-national chest CT scan study" has been accepted in the Computers in Biology and Medicine journal. (JCR: 2 [TOP 3.03%]; IF: 7.0)

  • [Nov-02-2024] Our paper entitled "MST-m6A: A Novel Multi-Scale Transformer-based Framework for Accurate Prediction of m6A Modification Sites Across Diverse Cellular Contexts" has been accepted in the Journal of Molecular Biology. (IF: 4.7)

  • [Oct-15-2024] Our collaborative paper entitled "mHPpred: Accurate identification of peptide hormones using multi-view feature learning" has been accepted in the Computers in Biology and Medicine journal. (JCR: 2 [TOP 3.03%]; IF: 7.0)

  • [Sep-02-2024] Kang Da Hyun has joined the lab as a graduate student. Welcome!!!

  • [Sep-01-2024] Prof. Balachandran has been promoted to Associate Professor (early promotion). Congratulations!!!

  • [Aug-27-2024] Nguyen Doan Hieu Nguyen has joined the lab as a graduate student. Welcome!!!

  • [Aug-27-2024] Duong Thanh Tran has joined the lab as a graduate student. Welcome!!!

  • [Jul-24-2024] Prof. Balachandran Manavalan is now guest editing a special issue in the BMC Genomics & Informatics journal focusing on "Advancing sequence-based biological function prediction using artificial intelligence". If anyone interested, please contact Prof. Balachandran.

  • [Jul-20-2024] Our collaborative paper entitled "M3S-ALG: Improved and robust prediction of allergenicity of chemical compounds by using a novel multi-step stacking strategy" has been accepted in the Future Generation Computer Systems journal. (JCR: 14 [TOP 9.8%]; IF: 6.2)

  • [Jul-06-2024] Our paper entitled "HOTGpred: Enhancing human O-linked threonine glycosylation prediction using integrated pretrained protein language model-based features and multi-stage feature selection approach" has been accepted in the Computers in Biology and Medicine journal. (JCR: 2 [TOP 3.1%]; IF: 7.0)

  • [Jun-20-2024] Our paper entitled "mACPpred 2.0: Stacked deep learning for anticancer peptide prediction with integrated spatial and probabilistic feature representations" has been accepted in the Journal of Molecular Biology. (IF: 4.7)

  • [Jun-09-2024] Our collaborative paper entitled "SEP-AlgPro: An efficient allergen prediction tool utilizing traditional machine learning and deep learning techniques with protein language model features" has been accepted in the International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. (JCR: 5 [TOP 5.8%]; IF: 8.2)

  • [May-29-2024] Our collaborative paper entitled "Meta-2OM: A multi-classifier meta-model for the accurate prediction of RNA 2'-O-methylation sites in human RNA" has been accepted in the PloS ONE journal. (IF: 2.9)

  • [May-19-2024] Our collaborative paper entitled "APLpred: A machine learning-based tool for accurate prediction and characterization of asparagine peptide lyases using sequence-derived optimal features" has been accepted in the Methods journal. (IF: 4.8)

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